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Docs for Plans 2D CAD Software Version 1.0
Date: 8/22/88
I. Introduction
Plans is a high speed, versatile drafting program. Plans uses a
heirarchical (DOS like) data structure allowing the user to manipulate
low level primitives or higher level objects (including the entire
drawing). The operations permitted on the directory (object) level
include: Copy, Move, Delete, Array Angle, Array Grid, Translate, Rotate,
Color, Size (distort), Group and Rename. In addition the user may set
the view to include the entire drawing or only any directory.
Ia. General
The library file arp.library must be in your LIBS: directory. A powerful
Undo function is available after almost any action by pressing 'u' on the
keyboard or clicking the 'Undo' gadget.
II. User Modes
A. Creation Modes
About the drawing process:
Any process in which items are being created may be aborted at
any time prior to the final action by pressing the right (menu)
mouse button.
1. Line
To begin a line, click the left mouse button inside the drawing
window. To continue a line, click again. To finish a line, click
twice in the same place.
2. Rectangle
To begin a rectangle, click inside the drawing window. Move the
mouse. When the rectangle is the right size, click again.
3. Polygon
To begin a polygon, enter the number of sides desired in the PP
gadget, then click in the drawing window. When the polygon is
the correct size and orientation click again.
4. Box
To begin a box, enter the angle of the ends desired in the EA
gadget, enter the width of the box in the LW width gadget, then
click in the drawing window. When the box is correct click again.
5. Arrow
To begin an arrow, enter the width in the TW text width gadget,
the height in the TH text height gadget, the slant (0 - 4.0) in
the TS text slant gadget, then click in the drawing window. When
the arrow is correct, click the left mouse button again.
6. Freehand
To begin a freehand line, press the left mouse button and hold it
down while drawing by moving the mouse. Releasing the left mouse
button finishes the line. To erase anything immediately after
creating it, press 'u'.
7. Circle
To begin a circle, click the left mouse button inside the drawing
window where the center should be. Stretch the circle to the
correct size and click again.
8. Arc
To begin an arc, click where the center should be. The second
click establishes the beginning angle, and the third click
determines the finished radius and ending angle.
9. Ellipse
To begin an ellipse, enter the ellipse rotation angle in the EA
ellipse angle gadget and click where the center should be.
Stretch the ellipse to the correct width and height and click
again to finish the ellipse.
10. Part
To use a part, choose the part you want a copy of in the Part
gadget (use the left and right gadgets to cursor through your
choices), then click in the drawing window. A copy of your
choice will appear. When in the proper position, click again.
See more Parts Information below.
11. Dimension
To begin a dimension line, enter the desired text width in the TW
gadget, the desired text height in the TH gadget, the desired
text slant (0 - 4.0) in the TS gadget, and the desired number of
digits following the decimal point in the DP gadget. Now click
in the drawing window. Stretch to the other point and click
again. Now the dimension line can be moved anywhere in the
drawing until the third click positions it.
12. Text
To begin text, enter the desired text width in the TW
gadget, the desired text height in the TH gadget, the desired
text angle in the TA gadget and the desired text slant (0 - 4.0)
in the TS gadget. Now click in the drawing window. Enter text by
typing on the keyboard. If you make a mistake, use the
backspace key to erase it. Hitting the return key finishes one
line of text and begins another. Hitting the return key twice
or clicking the menu button finishes the text.
13. Point
To mark a point in the drawing, set the width of the marker
in the LW width gadget and the angle of the crossbar in the
EA angle gadget. Now click where a point marker is desired.
14. Isometric Cylinder
Enter the isometric width of the cylinder desired in the
LW width gadget. Now draw a cylinder with two clicks.
15. Isometric Block
Enter the isometric width of the block desired in the
LW width gadget. Now draw a block with two clicks.
B. Editing Modes
About the editing process:
Any process in which items are being edited may be aborted at any
time prior to the final action by pressing the right (menu) mouse
button. Selection of an object to modify (Color, Rotate, Size,
Move, Translate, Array Angle, Array Grid, Delete, Group) is
normally done by clicking the left mouse button when the mouse
cursor is over a line. This selection process may be extended to
the directory level by holding down the left shift key during the
first mouse button click, then moving through the directory tree
by using the cursor keys (Up, Left, Down, Right) to move from one
branch to another.
1. Make Line
Make Line changes entities that are not lines into lines,
so that they can be edited with the line editing tools (hook,
insert, break, fillet and round corners). The entities do not
look any different, but they can no longer be modified in their
original forms.
2. Hook
Hook allows the user to move points on a line to a new position.
Click on the desired line within the snap size of an endpoint,
and the point will follow the cursor to a new position. Click
the left button to finish, or the right button to abort. Hook
also allows resizing of circles, ellipses, and polygons, re-entry
of arcs, and moving either end of dimension lines, boxes,
isometric cylinders, isometric blocks, and arrows.
3. Insert
Insert inserts new points in a line. Click on a line to begin,
and click again to finish.
4. Break
Break makes one line into two lines. Click on a line to begin, A
new point appears to follow the mouse. Click to position the
first end. Now another new point appears, connected to the
second line. Position and click, or press the menu button (right
button) to abort the entire process.
5. Move
Move allows the user to re-position an item. Just click on the
item to be moved, now the item will follow the cursor. Click
again to set the item down in the new place.
6. Copy
Copy makes copies, one at a time. To begin, double-click on an
item. A copy will appear to follow the cursor, position and
click when ready. Now the user may click again with the left
button to place another copy in the drawing, or press the menu
button to select another item to copy.
7. Undo
Undo restores the drawing to the state it was in before the
last action was taken. When an action cannot be undone the
screen will blink.
8. Size
Size enables entities to be scaled up or down or distorted or
mirrored. To begin, enter the width multiplication factor (1.0 =
same width, -1.0 to mirror horizontally) in the W width gadget,
and the height multiplication factor (1.0 = same height, -1.0 to
mirror vertically) in the H height gadget and the position of the
sizing cursor. The sizing cursor may be located at the crosshairs
by pressing the 'x' key. Now select an entity to scale or
distort. Sizing an item (width factor = height factor) leaves
the item in it's original type, but distorting (width factor does
not = height factor) will convert a circle to an ellipse, a
rotated ellipse to a curved line, and an arc to a curved line.
9. Rotate
Rotate rotates entities around the rotation-sizing cursor. To
begin, enter the rotation increment in the A angle gadget. Now
select the item to rotate. The item will appear in it's new
position. Now one more left button click will finish the
operation or a menu button press will abort.
10. Color
Color changes the color and linetype of an entity to the current
color and linetype.
11. Modify
Modify enables the user to modify the attributes of an item,
such as angle, width and height. To use this tool, enter the
desired attributes in the appropriate text gadgets, then click
the mouse pointer over an item. The item will be highlighted in
its new form, click the left button again to finish this
operation or the right button to abort.
12. Delete
Delete deletes items. To restore them press 'u' on the keyboard.
13. Array Angle
To use array angle, enter the desired angle increment in the A
angle gadget, enter the desired number of copies in the I counter
gadget and position the rotation-sizing cursor at the position
around which the copies should rotate. Now choose the item to
14. Array Grid
Array grid makes linear or rectangular arrays at any angle. To
begin, enter the desired angle of the grid in the A angle gadget
(0 is the most common angle), enter the width (X) offset in the W
width gadget, enter the height (Y) offset in the H height gadget,
enter the number of items across in the I counter gadget and
enter the number of items down in the J counter gadget. I and J
must both be greater than 0 (one of them may be set to 1).
15. Translate
Translate moves items a specified width and height from their
origin. To begin, enter the width offset in the W width gadget
(may be negative), enter the height offset in the H height gadget
gadget. Now each item selected will be moved (translated) this
distance and direction.
16. Group
Group makes onscreen items available for use as parts. If this
should be a new Part, choose New Part in the List Functions menu.
This will begin a new Part. Now, set X and Y gadgets to a good
place to use as a reference point for the Part. Now, select an
item (this may be a high level object), the final click will put
a copy of the item in the current Part. Multiple items may be
added to a Part at any time.
17. Fillet
This can only be used on lines. Enter the desired fillet radius
in the LW width gadget. Now click on a line near a point where
two segments of a line meet. An arc will be highlighted. Click
the left button again to add this arc to the drawing or the
right button to abort the operation.
18. Round Corners
This can only be used on lines. Enter the desired corner radius
in the LW width gadget. Now click on a line near a point where
two segments of a line meet. An arc will be highlighted. Click
the left button again to replace the sharp corner with this arc
or the right button to abort the operation.
C. List Functions
1. Rename
Rename changes which directory an item resides in. To begin,
scroll the destination directory into view in the Dir gadget.
Now each item selected will be renamed into the current directory.
2. Set View
Set view enables the user to set the current view to the root
directory (to see the entire drawing) or the current directory
(to look at only a branch of the directory tree).
3. New Child
New child creates a new directory in either the root directory
or in the current directory. The new directory becomes the
current directory.
4. New Parent
New Parent creates a new directory, putting either the root
directory or the current directory inside it. If the current
directory had a parent, that parent is now the parent of the new
5. Delete Directory
This deletes the current Directory (named in the Dir gadget).
6. New Part
This creates a new Part. To make the Part useful, give the Part
a name and use Edit Parts and/or Group to define the new Part.
7. Delete Part
This deletes the current Part (named in the Part gadget).
8. Edit Parts
Choosing edit parts allows the user to draw any part as if it
were a drawing unto itself. All the usual functions are
available. To choose a different Part for editing, use the left
and right part selection gadgets.
9. Edit Drawing
When finished editing parts, this returns to the normal drawing
10. Purge Directories
This function removes empty directories from the drawing
11. Purge Parts
This function removes empty directories or parts from the parts
D. Project Menu
1. Save
a. Root
Save root saves the entire directory tree to disk. The great
file name requester is provided courtesy of Microsmiths'
Charlie Heath. Be sure that arp.library resides in your
LIBS: directory or Plans will not run.
b. Dir
Save Dir saves the current directory to disk.
c. Parts
Save Parts saves all of the Parts to a file which can be
reloaded at another time or into another drawing. Parts
files look funny if loaded as a drawing.
d. Part
Save Part saves just the current Part to disk.
2. Load
a. Root
Load Root loads a drawing or partial drawing saved
previously as a child of the root directory.
b. Dir
Load Dir loads a drawing or partial drawing saved
previously as a child of the current directory.
c. Parts
Load Parts adds Parts to the Parts list, making them
available to the user.
d. Part
Load Part adds a single Part.
3. Plot
a. Full
Plot Full writes plotter instructions to a file describing
the entire drawing in a size that will fill the plotter
paper. Plot asks for a filename to send a plot file to. This
name may be PAR: or SER: for a direct plot. See the Plans-
Configuration instructions below.
b. Scaled
Plot Scaled writes plotter instructions to a file in a size
that is specified in the PX plot X center, PY plot Y center,
and SC scale gadgets. These are the same gadgets that are
used to specify the drawing zoom window. See Frame
elsewhere. Also see the Specification instructions below.
c. Window
Plot Window writes plotter instructions to a file
describing the current view in the drawing window.
4. Export Drawing
Export Drawing writes the entire drawing or the current directory
to a file in a format that a particular CAD program can read.
This format has turned into a pseudo standard for importing
drawings into desktop publishing and other programs.
5. Import Drawing
Import Drawing loads files that are in another format into the
drawing database.
6. Start Over
After asking "Delete everything?" this deletes everything so the
user may start a new drawing.
7. Quit
After asking "Really quit?" this quits the program.
E. Preferences Menu
1. Modify Colors
The Microsmiths palette requester adjusts the screen colors.
To make the program start with new colors edit the
Plans-Configuration file.
2. Set Background Pen
Set the back ground color to the current pen color. Any drawing
with the current pen color is now invisible (but it will still
show up on the plotter).
3. Crosshairs
This toggles the crosshair display.
4. Status Line
This toggles the status line display.
5. Highlighting
If you are going to manipulate directories a lot, this may save
some time. Instead of highlighting all the parts in a directory,
the program just draws a box around the parent.
F. Drawing Control
1. Redraw
a. Frame
Frame sets the limits of the "zoom window". It does this by
changing the variables PX (plotter X center), PY (plotter Y
center and SC (plotter scale). These three variables may be
entered by clicking in their gadgets and typing. The SC
(scale) determines the true size of objects on the screen or
on the plotter (see Plans-Configuration File below).
b. Window
Window draws the currently defined "zoom" window.
c. Draw
Draw redraws the screen in place. This is sometimes useful
after an object is erased.
d. Full
Full draws the entire drawing. If the first thing drawn is
a border rectangle this will provide a frame of reference
for the rest of the drawing.
e. Last
Press the TAB key.
This can save a lot of time. This toggles between two views.
2. Panning
Press the SPACE bar.
This will center the screen on the mouse cursor.
Panning may also be accomplished with the cursor keys while
they are not being used to select objects. Panning may be done
while entering a new object.
3. Zooming
Zooming may be accomplished with the ZM proportional gadget.
Also, 'z' will zoom out (make things smaller) and 'Z' will zoom
in (make things bigger) at any time.
G. Variables
1. Dir
The name of the current directory appears here and may be
changed at any time. If the name is changed to nothing or the
name matches the name of another directory in the same branch
of the tree this will be pointed out.
2. Part
The name of the current part appears here and may be changed at
any time. If the name is changed to nothing or the name matches
the name of another part in the part list this will be pointed
3. X - X Coordinate
This is the X coordinate of the center of rotation for functions
that rotate around an axis (Array Angle, Rotate) and the point
towards which sizing operations occur.
This variable and Y below may be entered by positioning the mouse
and pressing the 'x' key.
4. Y - Y Coordinate
This is the Y coordinate of the center of rotation for functions
that rotate around an axis (Array Angle, Rotate) and the point
towards which sizing operations occur.
This variable and X above may be entered by positioning the mouse
and pressing the 'x' key.
5. A - Angle
This is the angle objects are rotated when Array Angle or Rotate
functions are used.
6. W - Width
This is the Width offset for Array Grid and Translate.
7. H - Height
This is the Height offset for Array Grid and Translate.
8. I - counter
This is an X counter for Array Grid and Array Angle.
9. J - counter
This is a Y grid counter for Array Grid.
10. Text Variables
a. TW - Text Width
This specifies the size to use for the width of characters
(including inter-character spaing). This may be negative for
backwards writing.
b. TH - Text Height
This specifies the size to use for the height of characters
(including inter-character spaing). This may be negative for
upside-down writing.
c. TA - Text Angle
This specifies the angle at which text will be written on
the drawing.
d. TS - Text Slant
This specifies the slant text will have when written on
the drawing. This number represents a fraction of the text
height that the text will be slanted at (the tangent of the
slant angle).
11. LW - Line Width
This specifies the end length of boxes, the size of points,
the radius of fillets and rounded corners, and the size
of isometric cylinders and blocks.
12. PP - Polygon Points
This specifies the number of points to draw subsequent polygons
14. DP - Dimension Precision
The rounding precision to use with dimension lines.
15. EA - Ellipse Angle
This specifies the rotation angle of subsequent ellipses.
Also specified is the angle of the crossbar of point markers
and the angle of the ends on boxes.
17. PX - Plot X
The center coordinates of the plot and the center of the zoom
window are specified here and in the next gadget.
18. PY - Plot Y
The center coordinates of the plot and the center of the zoom
window are specified here and in the previous gadget.
19. SC - Scale
This specifies the plot scale and the zoom window scale. If this
is 1.0 then things appear full size on the screen and in the
20. Snap Variables
The snap type may be changed at any time by pressing 's', even
while entering a new item.
a. SS - Snap Size
This snap size is in pixels. It specifies how far from the
mouse cursor to look for lines, points et cetera when
snapping to objects.
b. GX - Grid X Spacing
When grid snap is used this is the spacing of vertical lines
which determine the position of the crosshairs.
c. GY - Grid Y Spacing
When grid snap is used this is the spacing of horizontal
lines which determine the position of the crosshairs.
d. SA - Snap Angle
When Angle snap is used, this specifies the angular
increments to which the cursor will snap. Angle snap
defaults to grid snap when no object is being defined.
e. SL - Snap Length
When Angle snap is used, this specifies the length
increments to which the cursor will snap. Angle snap
defaults to grid snap when no object is being defined.
f. ST - Snap Type
Snap type can be changed by clicking on the ST gadget.
Snap type may be changed at any time by pressing a function
key F6 - F10 (see key definitions below). It is often very
useful when drawing to change to a different type of snap.
These are the types of snap provided followed by the keys
to select them:
NONE - F6 The window pixels are translated
directly to drawing coordinates.
GRID - F7 The drawing coordinates lie on an invisible
POINT - F8 When near enough to a point, the crosshairs
will snap to that point. Otherwise, snaps to grid.
LINE - F9 When near enough to a line, the crosshairs will
snap to that line. Otherwise, snaps to grid.
ANGLE - F10 When an object is being constructed, SL (snap
length) and SA (snap angle) determine where the next
point will lie. Otherwise snaps to grid.
H. Picking a Color
Click on a color gadget. Subsequent objects will have this color.
The status line is underlined with the current color and linetype.
I. Picking a Linetype
Click on a linetype gadget. Subsequent objects will have this
J. Plans-Configuration File
The Plans-Configuration File may be edited to allow the user to
match the plotter output of this program to a particular plotter.
This file gets read by Plans everytime Plans starts up.
Other variables in this file include the size of the user's
monitor (for precise on-screen scaling) and user definable linetypes
(on-screen and plotter).
K. Plans-Font File
This file defines the font used by Plans for all text rendering.
L. About Parts
When a part is used in a drawing, an exact copy is placed in the
drawing. This copy is an item just like any other, and can be
manipulated as a unit. When a drawing is saved, all of the parts
used in the drawing are saved but the part definitions are not.
Therefore it is a good idea to save the part definitions with Save
Parts if they could be useful in another drawing or at some other
time in the current drawing. The format of a Parts file is identical
to a drawing file and it is possible to load a drawing file into the
Parts database to make the items in the first level available as
parts, likewise it is possible to load a Parts file as a drawing.
M. Keyboard shortcuts:
SPACE - Center window on mouse pointer (used for panning)
TAB - Toggles between any two views
UP - Pan up
LEFT - Pan left
DOWN - Pan down
RIGHT - Pan right
a - Arrow
A - Arc
b - Break
B - Box
c - Copy
C - Color
d - Dimension
e - Ellipse
f - Full
F - Frame
h - Hook
i - Insert
I - Isometric Cylinder
l - Line
L - MakeLine
m - Move
M - Modify
o - Circle
p - Polygon
P - Part
r - Rectangle
R - Rotate
s - Size
t - Text
T - Translate
u - Undo
w - Redraw
W - Window (shows window defined in PX PY SC gadgets)
x - Set X & Y cordinates of Rotate, Size and Group center
z - zoom out (make things smaller)
Z - Zoom in (make things bigger)
During extended selection (Hold down left shift key when clicking on
an object to initiate extended selection):
UP - Use Parent Directory
LEFT - Use Directory sibling left
DOWN - Use First child in the Directory down
RIGHT - Use Directory sibling right